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from issue no. 03 - 2007

Ad multos annos

Giulio Andreotti

Giulio Andreotti introducing the presentation of the book The power and the grace. The relevance of Saint Augustine by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, 21 September 1998

Giulio Andreotti introducing the presentation of the book The power and the grace. The relevance of Saint Augustine by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, 21 September 1998

As opening of a number that we devote to the Holy Father Benedict XVI on the joyful occasion of his eightieth birthday (indeed, to put it in the words of John Paul II, of his entry into his «ninth decade of life») I believe nothing could be more fitting than to publish the profound homily that the Pope gave on 2 April in Saint Peter’s Square during the solemn concelebration for the second anniversary of the death of his predecessor.
“Novelty within continuity” has been almost always featured – if with different intensity – in the sequence of popes that I have known. This time, however, a specific element has been added. In his memoirs Pope Wojtyla made an exceptional reference to a cardinal, described as a «trusted friend»: Joseph Ratzinger.
Continuity is thus more in operation than ever.
We at 30Days enjoyed much attention from Cardinal Ratzinger who several times gave us interviews, wrote for us the essay The splendor of the peace of Francis (January 2002) and also came to introduce for us in the Chamber of Deputies the book Il potere e la grazia. Attualità di sant’Agostino [The power and the grace. The relevance of Saint Augustine]. We are with him today with great enthusiasm, commitment and great loyalty.
And it is certainly no formality to strongly wish him: ad multos annos.

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