from issue no. 06/07 - 2009


Among the tasks to which I have dedicated myself, the reading of the papal documents – in order to collaborate on the book Le encicliche sociali dei Papi

Giulio Andreotti

<I>The Crucifixion</I>, Giotto, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

The Crucifixion, Giotto, Scrovegni Chapel, Padua

Among the tasks to which I have dedicated myself, the reading of the papal documents – in order to collaborate on the book Le encicliche sociali dei Papi (The social encyclicals of the Popes), edited by Igino Giordani – has had an important role. What emerges is a clear line of continuity in the effort to preserve human sociality itself.
The saying “woe to the man alone” must not seem in contradiction to the praise of solitude as “sola beatitudo”.
Christianity was born, after all, in the collegiality of the college of apostles within which, however, there is also the figure of the traitor (Judas).
The latest papal document is pointedly entitled Caritas in veritate. The encyclicals are not only texts on culture and meditation but give precise directions in life.
Jesus said that in the love of people themselves we shall know Him. Unfortunately that is a rare and challenged experience and it is not by accident that unselfish love is defined as an attribute of the divinity. God himself is defined as love (Deus caritas est) in a rare and heart-touching summary of all the Christian theology based on love.
Over the centuries, however, relations among men have been ever less inspired by mutual understanding and shared purposes, and unfortunately quarrels and divisions weigh heavily. We must replace a superficial conception of relationships that sees conflict as the rule of life with the awareness of God–Love, effectively summarizing the entire New Testament.
Christian humanism is certainly the opposite of conflictual reality that marks the ethos of homo homini lupus, which unfortunately still characterizes much of mankind.
Love and death. Jesus teaches from Calvary.

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