For some time letters have been coming to 30Days not only from cloistered convents and monasteries, from missionaries, from seminaries, but also from bishops and priests, from male and female religious, from simple faithful from all parts of the world. We therefore considered it appropriate to entitle this section ‘Letters from all over the world’, distinguishing it by the image of Jesus with the apostles Peter, James and John taken from the Last Supper, one of the new mosaics on the façade of the Basilica of the Rosary, in Lourdes, made by Father Marko Ivan Rupnik SJ, on the occasion of the hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the apparitions of Our Lady to Bernadette. The choice of the image of Jesus with his beloved disciples at the Last Supper wishes to suggest how these letters also are a small sign of the great mosaic of Eucharistic communities in which the sacrifice of love of Jesus is made present, as mentioned by Pope Benedict XVI on Wednesday 26 October.
A great many letters arrive each month in the editorial offices. We are sorry not to be able to publish them all, and we apologize to those concerned. We do assure, however, that all are read and that we attempt to respond to all, where possible, and to fulfill the requests that may be contained in them.
La Paz, Baja California Sur, Mexico
We are enthusiastic to return to Gregorian chant, especially in the solemnities
La Paz, 4 August 2011
Dear Mr Director,
Praised be the Blessed Sacrament!
Please receive a warm greeting from these distant lands of Baja California Sur, where we constantly receive your beautiful magazine 30Giorni, through which we come to know the most diverse news of the Church and of the world. For this we thank you and all those who work in the editorial staff.
We want to thank you for the book ‘El Hijo no puede hacer nada por su cuenta’, and the one with the CD of Gregorian chants, which gave us the enthusiasm to return to Gregorian chant especially in the solemnities.
We are a community of twenty-one nuns; last year the founder of the community, the Reverend Mother María Angélica, and Sister María de San José returned to the House of the Father, so that, 46 years after its foundation, only one of the founders remains in the community.
We greet you, assuring you of our prayers and offer our congratulations on the magazine,
The Mother Superior Luisa Beltrán C.
Ntcheu, Malawi
We ask for a contribution towards building a hostel for poor or orphaned girls
Ntcheu, 22 August 2011
Dear Mr Andreotti,
While I was in Italy for a short time, I was lucky enough to find and read your wonderful magazine 30Giorni and to appreciate the contents.
How great is our need also, who reside in mission lands, where the news never arrives in true perspective, to learn the keys to understanding what’s happening in the world and to know what is beautiful in the world of the Church!
That’s why I take the liberty of addressing you to ask whether my community can also get a copy of your magazine, which I consider an important means not only of information but also of training!
I also allow myself to make another request of you: our mission is dedicated to education, convinced that offering instruction and education is the best way to help a country to grow in the direction of a slow but respectful progress of human dignity. We would like to be able to accommodate close to the school of the large suburb of Nsumbi (in the diocese of Mangochi) a hundred orphan or extremely poor girls, to enable them to attend school regularly and devote time to study, which is still rarely possible in their villages.
We are working on building a hostel to accommodate them all year round, and therefore dormitories and a kitchen with a dining hall also, so that they may find an environment essential for a dignified and peaceful life.
Everything is becoming so difficult in Africa, even more so in these times when it seems that the injustices on the weaker multiply to the point that our project meets ever new obstacles all the time! Only the certainty of the need for this work on behalf of the women of Africa gives us the courage not to give up, even if the costs are multiplied beyond the predicted budgets.
We ask, if possible, for a contribution to further at least in its essentials this great work that still remains to be done.
For any information, we can keep in touch by taking advantage of this e-mail address: sistersntcheu@africa-online.net.
Thank you as of now for all you may succeed in doing for us and we remember you before the Blessed Sacrament in our daily adoration.
With much appreciation and gratitude,
Sister Ornella Sala and the Sacramentine Sisters of Ntcheu
Beja, Portugal
We are a Franciscan fraternity living in the south of Portugal
Beja, 7 September 2011
Peace and good!
Through a friend I received the magazine 30Dias, which I read and reread several times. I liked it immensely because it gives a very complete vision of the Church and the world. Congratulations on your magazine. God be praised for your work of evangelization.
We are a Franciscan fraternity living in the south of Portugal, in one of the poorest dioceses in the country, the diocese of Beja.
We would really love to receive your magazine, which would be very useful for our mission and for the training of the young monks of our community, but we have no possibility of paying for it.
Our community is mainly dedicated to evangelization in the Alentejo region.
We’d love to receive a copy of the booklet Quem reza se salva for each brother, but it is a little expensive for our community which is made up of eight consecrated young men who, in poverty and joy, proclaim the Gospel of peace and good.
I greet you, giving you the assurance of our prayers for all of the editorial staff of this magazine which is a valuable tool for the Church.
A fraternal embrace,
Father Ricardo Borges
Beja, 19 September 2011
Peace and good!
We want to thank you for sending the booklets Quem reza se salva.
It is a very well written prayer book and will be very useful for our apostolate of evangelization. We look forward to a few copies of your magazine, to which you have been generous enough to offer us a subscription. Only God can reward you for your very great generosity.
We greet you assuring you of our prayers for you.
Father Ricardo Borges
Catemu, Chile
Thanks from Tierra del Fuego
Catemu, 8 September
Dear esteemed editorial staff of the magazine 30Giorni,
A reader of your magazine writes to you. I receive it regularly, and I find that it is well done, useful and keeps us united to the Church.
May the Lord bless you for this work you do for the benefit of readers, especially those who are far away. I am a Salesian and I’m in Chile, in Tierra del Fuego.
Congratulations on the CD with the songs for the traditional Latin Mass, accompanied by a booklet with the texts: wonderful! I remember with a certain nostalgia the years of my youth when Latin was used a great deal in the liturgy.
Now, to maximize to the fullest advantage the contents of the magazine, I ask you the favor of sending it to me in Spanish, so it can circulate among the people, since only I can read the Italian edition.
Here one copy comes for Joseph De Marchi (who has moved permanently to Italy).
Let me give you my best wishes for the continuation of this work, and for you my remembrance in prayer, and my greetings.
Ardiccio Fusi
Bello, Colombia
Thank you for Quien reza se salva
Bello, 24 September 2011
Dear Mr Giulio Andreotti,
Please receive our fraternal greetings of peace and good, with abundant blessings of the Lord for the wonderful work of evangelization you carry forward through the magazine 30Días.
In recent days we have received ten copies of the booklet Quien reza se salva. You can not imagine our joy at seeing the principal prayers of Christians collected in a booklet, that we will share with the new religious and faithful who accompany us during the liturgical celebrations in our convent.
With our sincere remembrance in prayer we follow you closely, sharing with you and with your collaborators the spiritual treasures that we have received from the Lord.
We hope to receive soon the magazine 30Días since we consider it a valuable spiritual tool that helps us grow in faith and in the vocational response we give to God from the contemplative life that unites us.
May God bless you and may the Blessed Virgin Mary always encourage and comfort you with the strength of the Holy Spirit of God.
With renewed affection and gratitude,
The Abbess Sister Margarita María of the Sagrado Corazón, OSC, and Community
Seoul, South Korea
From the Capuchin friars of Korea
Seoul, 27 September 2011
Pax et Bonum.
First, thanks for the two free copies of the monthly magazine 30Days. Our brothers are very happy to be able to read it.
I am Brother Anthony Choi, a Capuchin friar of the Custody of Korea. I am a seminarian studying for the priesthood. Here in the monastery, which houses those who go to the seminary, there are altogether three Korean brother seminarians and an Irish priest.
Our Custody was founded by the Irish province in 1986 and this year the Silver Jubilee occurs. In our Custody there are sixteen brothers and two postulants.
If it were possible for you to send us 30Days free, our brothers would be very happy.
But if you can not, that’s okay. We understand your situation.
I will remember your families and your friends in my prayers.
Please remember the Capuchin friars in Korea.
God bless you,
Anthony Choi
We live just twenty meters from the small church where the remains of Blessed Don Serafino Morazzone repose
Chiuso di Lecco, 7 October 2011
I have been subscribed for many years to your beautiful and important magazine from which I ‘drink’ of ecclesiastical culture, politics and not only!
Today, on the arrival of No 7/8, on page 70, I read the article by Giovanni Ricciardi entitled ‘The greatness of smallness’, the figure of Blessed Don Serafino Morazzone, cited by Manzoni in the Promess Sposi (Fermo and Lucia).
What a surprise! We live just twenty meters from the church dedicated to St John the Baptist in the district of Lecco, where the remains of the blessed repose!
Also, just to give the possibility to those who come on pilgrimage to find a place of refreshment and an overnight stay, we opened a bed and breakfast whose internet address I allow myself to send to the editorial office: www.bebtralagoemonti.it.
Renewing my wish that 30Giorni can be ever more a magazine of success, I cordially greet you.
Mara Assunta Anghileri and Aurelio Brusadelli
Chalais, France
I assure you of my prayers and those of my Community
Chalais, 8 October 2011
Dear Sir,
Thank you for 30Jours! It is magnificent and it is a joy to receive news about the Holy Father and what happens in Italy. I am a Dominican nun. My family is originally from Rome and the Abruzzo region. I do not speak Italian, even though my name is Domenica Benzi, Dominique in French. Thank you for what you do, in sending us the magazine. I assure you of my prayers and those of my Community, on whose behalf I am writing. I pray for you and for those who work for the magazine that we love.
Renewed thanks,
Sister Dominique, OP