30Days in brief
Paul rests outside the Walls
The tomb of Paul under the main altar of the Basilica of Saint Paul Outside the Walls, Rome [© Paolo Galosi]
“The sacrament of the poor man” and “the smallest gift of grace”
Benedict XVI signing the new encyclical ICaritas in veritate/I 29 June 2009 [© Osservatore Romano/Associated Press]
The meeting between Benedict XVI and Obama has restored hope
Benedict XVI with Michelle and Barack Obama 10 July 2009 [© Paolo Galosi/Vatican pool]
A network of prayer for the Pope’s accident
The Pope in Valle d’Aosta [© Associated Press/LaPresse]
“A moment before everything there is Christ”
Peter and John running to the tomb
Kirill goes to Bartholomew
Kirill with Bartholomew BR[© Associated Press/LaPresse]
The face of Paul. The image was found on19 June 2009 in a cubicle of the catacombs of Saint Tecla, on the Via Ostiense, Rome [© Osservatore Romano/Pontifical Commission of Sacred Archeology]
The oldest image of the Apostle of the Gentiles
“The Vatican archaeologists have discovered the face of the Apostle Paul in the catacombs of Santa Tecla. L’Osservatore Romano reveals the oldest image of the saint, the result of a ‘sensational discovery that has impressed the experts’”. This is the beginning of an article that appeared on 28 June in La Stampa. The subtitle reads: “Quite different from an imposing warrior: he was small, hunchbacked, possibly ill”.
Pauline Chapel
Peter searches for the face of Paul
On 4 July, on the occasion of the reopening of the Pauline Chapel, the Pope presided over the celebration of Vespers. During the homily he focused on the two Michelangelo frescoes adorning the chapel, dedicated to the apostles Peter and Paul, the first depicted while he is being crucified, the second at the moment of his conversion on the road to Damascus. The Pope explained: “The eye is first drawn to the faces of the two Apostles... . The two faces on which our gaze rests are opposite each other. One might therefore imagine that Peter’s face is actually turned towards the face of Paul, who in turn does not see but bears within him the light of the Risen Christ. It is as though Peter, in the hour of supreme trial, were seeking that light which gave true faith to Paul”.
Sacred College
The eighty years of Marchisano and Castrillón, the death of Margéot
On 25 June, the Piedmontese Cardinal Francesco Marchisano was eighty years old. On 4 July the Colombian Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos reached the same age. On 17 July Cardinal Jean Margéot, Bishop Emeritus of Port-Louis on the island of Mauritius died. On that date, therefore, the College of Cardinals had 185 cardinals of whom 113 are electors.