The Holy Spirit defender and consoler
Translation of the homily of Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio in the Basilica of Saint Laurence Outside the Walls during the mass with the conferring of the Sacrament of Confirmation during the solemnity of Pentecost Rome 4 June 2006

The descent of the Holy Spirit, illumination taken from the Turin-Milan Hours, one of the three volumes into which the manuscript Très belles heures du duc de Berry, XV century, is divided, Civic Museum of Ancient Art, Turin
The Holy Spirit comes over us and in us. He guides us. He reminds us of everything that Jesus has taught us. He guides us straight along the path, in situations that perhaps now we can’t imagine. He guides us. The Holy Spirit guides us and insures that we have two very important attitudes. If we all have these two important attitudes in life, that are two virtues, we will have the full happiness of the Holy Spirit, the consolation of the Holy Spirit. The first is the meekness that says: «Don’t quarrel, brothers, you are my sons, good, beloved». The Lord has told us the Spirit teaches us to be as brothers among ourselves, therefore to love each other, to be united. The second virtue seems contrary but is not contrary: it is strength. Strength is the witness of Jesus Christ. Strength gives witness to Jesus: of not being afraid to be Christian. This the Holy Spirit will give us.
The Gospel calls Him the interior consoler, because he gives us consolation. He gives you peace. The Gospel also calls him the defender, the advocate. It is understood that the accuser is the devil. The devil accuses us. He accuses us because he wants us to be sad, he wants us with a bitter heart, sad. The Holy Spirit gives a heart sweet with meekness and a heart strong with strength, according to the teachings of Jesus full of joy.
You candidates for confirmation, who will now receive the Holy Spirit, pray for this small community of yourselves, who today, as the first apostles, is formed in this church. Remember that the consolation of the Holy Spirit makes us as children. We must remain as children, because the Lord wants us to be children andour mother is the Madonna, and now I invite you, candidates for Confirmation, to pray to the Madonna. Stand up, Confirmation candidates, along with me, and with me, you are ready for the Holy Spirit and pray with me.
Let us say:
Come, Holy Spirit, through Mary.
Come, Holy Spirit, through Mary.
Come, Holy Spirit, through Mary.
Remember to hold the hand of the Madonna because if you have the Holy Spirit and hold your hand in the Madonna’s hand you will be happy.