Home > Archives > 09 - 2011 > Saint Guido Maria Conforti and Blessed Andrea Ferrari
from issue no. 09 - 2011

Saint Guido Maria Conforti and Blessed Andrea Ferrari

The friendship between Cardinal Andrea Carlo Ferrari, Archbishop of Milan, and Monsignor Guido Maria Conforti, Archbishop of Ravenna, then Bishop of Parma is well known.
Andrea Carlo Ferrari was born in Lalatta (Parma) on 13 August 1850; ordained priest in 1873, he was rector of the seminary of Parma from 1877 to 1890, the year he was appointed Bishop of Guastalla. In 1891 he became Bishop of Como and in 1894 Archbishop of Milan and cardinal. He died on 2 February 1921, after twenty-seven years at the head of the archdiocese of Milan. He was beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1987.
Guido Maria Conforti was born in Casalora Ravadese (Parma), on 30 March 1865 and became a priest in 1888. Archbishop of Ravenna in 1902, he became Bishop of Parma in 1907. He died on 5 November 1931. He was beatified on 17 March 1996, and canonized on 23 October this year.

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