Invitation to prayer
The editorial office of 30Days invites all, and in particular the consecrated persons of the cloistered convents and monasteries, to pray for Don Giacomo Tantardini. For some months he has been undergoing treatment for a lung tumour. May the Lord grant us to pray with trust for the miracle of a cure. We ask the priests who appreciate and cherish 30Days to celebrate Holy Mass for this intention. We ask of parents the charity of encouraging their children to pray.
Quien reza se salva is very useful for evangelization
Ovalle, 19 October 2011
Mr Director,
esteemed in the Lord Jesus,
I hope this finds you well, along with all those who work with such a noble mission of publishing such an important Catholic magazine.
I want to thank you for the kindness of sending us 30Días monthly, which informs us about the life of the Church and many other topics.
In November we will have the first communions in various villages and we would ask your generosity to send us thirty copies of Quien reza se salva to give as a gift, since it is a complete booklet and very useful for evangelization.
May the Lord make you feel His tenderness and the immense joy of belonging more to Him each day.
A fraternal greeting and my eternal gratitude
Brother Pedro Galvez Rojo
Ovalle, 23 November 2011
Dear brother in the Lord,
We received the Quien reza se salva books and we distributed them during the first Communions on the feastday of Christ the King, and then we’ll distribute them on the Feastday of the Immaculate Conception.
May the Lord who can not be overcome in generosity reward yours.
I wish you a holy Advent waiting for the great feast of Christmas.
A fraternal greeting and my eternal gratitude,
Brother Pedro Galvez Rojo
Ovalle, 24 November 2011
Mr Director,
esteemed in Jesus the Good Shepherd.
With a copy of the magazine 30Días a booklet with a CD of Gregorian chants was attached, a marvel. Iubilate Deo. Abusing your generosity I would ask you to give us five copies as gifts for other missions that were very interested in them.
We can only assure you that we keep your intentions and those of your collaborators in our prayers.
A fraternal greeting,
Brother Pedro Galvez Rojo
Five hundred copies of Quien reza se salva
Las Cumbres, 26 October 2011
Long live Jesus!
Dear Mr Giulio Andreotti and collaborators of 30Giorni, we are extremely grateful to you for the apostolate of the ‘good press’ that you carry out distributing this ‘food’ of formation and information, thanks to which we are made aware of beautiful things and the great heroism by our fellow Catholics from around the world. A thousand thanks.
We pray to our holy founder Francis de Sales to help you.
Last week a priest friend who works in the same parish where the martyr Father Héctor Gallego worked came to visit us. He told us of his work and we also talked about our activities. We too told him about the Day of vocations and the fact that we distributed Quien reza se salva. He showed great interest and asked us how he could receive five hundred copies of the booklet. So we offered to write and make this request on behalf of Father Arselio Castro, of the parish of San Pedro Apóstol, Santa Fé de Veraguas. You can send them to our address.
We are very grateful to you for this great charity towards the missions of Panama.
Blessed be God.
Sister Margarita María García, VSM
Las Cumbres, 30 November 2011
Long live Jesus!
Dear Mr Andreotti and collaborators of 30Giorni,
Thank you for the booklets Quien reza se salva that arrived yesterday. We have already called the Reverend Father Arselio to come and get them. Many thanks, we continue to pray for your apostolate.
Blessed be God.
Sister Margarita María García, VSM
We also greatly appreciated Quem reza se salva
Kuito, 26 October 2011
Mr Giulio Andreotti,
Dear Brother in Christ our Lord,
please receive our cordial and fraternal greetings, with wishes for health and peace in the Lord. May the Lord, with the gifts of His Spirit, always guide your work for His glory and the edification of the Church.
We thank you very much for the richness and depth of information on our Mother the Church that come to us through the magazine 30Dias. We also greatly appreciated the booklet of Christian doctrine Quem reza se salva that you sent us.
We have given it to many brothers who visit our home, especially young catechists. Therefore, with this, we ask that you send us, if possible, two hundred copies. We would like to offer it at all, during the Christmas holidays, because many have been asking for it for a long time. In addition, each month we hold a meeting with girls who have expressed a desire to become nuns. They are teenagers, and even if they already are quite familiar with the truths of our faith, we are following the order of the booklet, in particular the way in which it explains the sixth commandment and sacramental confession. Unfortunately, the booklets are finished.
Thank you for your valuable collaboration in the work of the Church, which spreads the Christian doctrine for the expansion of the Kingdom of God. Thanks.
May Our Lord God always bless all your works and give you joy in your giving of yourselves.
Always united in prayer with Jesus and Mary our Mother,
Sister Maria Reis do Espírito Santo, OP
Thanks from New York
New York, 3 November 2011
Dear Sir,
Presently my parish receives your wonderful magazine. My problem is that the edition I receive is in Italian. The former order of priests who had charge of the parish were Italian, Don Orione Fathers. I recently took over as Pastor and am a diocesan priest. Having received your magazine at my former parish I am well aware of the quality of your magazine. I respectfully request that you continue to send the magazine but in English. My name is Rev. Philip Kelly and my parish is St. Francis de Sales in New York. Thank you for your consideration and all the good work you do in Catholic media.
Rev. Philip J. Kelly
A Capuchin student hostel that houses students from five African countries
Nairobi, 10 November 2011
Dear Senator Giulio Andreotti,
I had already written for a copy of 30Giorni in the English edition, this being a Capuchin student hostel that houses fifty students from five countries (Kenya, Uganda, Zambia, Malawi and Tanzania).
I ask this favor: in the monastery there is not a single magazine. Would it be possible to also have a copy in Italian? Thank you, I am certain of being heard. We will pray for you and your collaborators.
Father Giorgio Picchi
Who prays is saved: so beautiful, so useful, so precious
Iringa, 10 November 2011
Dear Director,
I come to you with so much joy to thank you for the little booklets Who prays is saved. So beautiful, so useful, so precious! I hope to also receive the monthly magazine 30Giorni. May the Lord bless you and reward you for this great gift.
I say “thank you” with prayer for you and your collaborators.
Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year.
Sister Magda Boscolo
Reading 30Giorni I feel in communion with the Holy Mother Church
Huánuco, 11 November 2011
Dear Director,
I greet you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ to thank you for number 7/8 of 2011 of the magazine 30Giorni, which has just arrived to me.
Reading its content, my faith increases and I feel in communion with the Holy Mother Church whose starting point is the living presence of Christ who builds it personally.
May the Lord Jesus continue to give you good he alth and bless the work you do with 30Giorni.
Monsignor Jaime Rodríguez Salazar, MCCI, Bishop of Huánuco
Many people have benefited and continue to benefit from the little booklet Quem reza se salva
São José, Santa Catarina, 13 November 2011
Praised be our Lord Jesus Christ!
Dear Mr Giulio Andreotti,
We receive monthly the beautiful magazine 30Giorni, for which we thank you very much because its content so rich, a faithful voice of the Church, stands out in this world so greatly lacking in Truth.
We also received other excellent publications, such as the little booklet Quem reza se salva, which has benefited and continues to benefit so many people. They are people of all ages, including young people who do not abandon Jesus. So we ask, if possible, to send us more copies, because so many other people would like to benefit from this tool so practical and profound, which helps so much in the relationship with the good God.
We pray for all those who make up this team of authentic evangelizers in our beloved Church and in particular we pray for your intentions.
May God in his infinite goodness and generosity pour out his gifts and graces on you.
The Carmelite nuns
São José, Santa Catarina, 9 December 2011
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Dear Mr Director and staff of this publication, who make us a gift of such rich material for the growth of the Church and the spreading of the Kingdom of Christ in souls, we thank you sincerely for your attention and the speed with which you responded to our request for copies of the precious booklet Quem reza se salva.
We ask God, in His infinite goodness, to continue to bless and sanctify you.
We assure to each and all our prayers.
A happy and holy Christmas to all.
In the Lord,
The Carmelite nuns
The little booklet Qui prie sauve son âme is so important
Porto-Novo, 14 November 2011
Mr Director,
First we would like to reiterate our gratitude and that of all the parishioners (catechumens, catechists and participants in the various masses) for the service, so important, that the little booklet Qui prie sauve son âme renders and continues to render to the knowledge of the prayers and to the community celebrations.
With this, we ask you to help us strengthen these results, giving us, especially for new catechumens and new parishioners, about two thousand copies of this booklet in French.
Hoping that our request may be favorably received, we thank you in advance.
The parish priest, Father Paul Akplogan
Our prayer especially for Don Giacomo
Haifa, 15 November 2011
Dear friends,
After your generous offer we had the desire to send a small token of gratitude, as well as our prayers, especially for Don Giacomo. In recent months we have often thought about him, entrusting him to the Lord. We wondered: how is he? We recently read your urgent prayer request, so... let us continue!
The Lord is always inscrutable in His ways and for us the humble trust in His love remains.
Thanks for all the good you do. Your magazine is really lovely and makes the joy of our dean (93 years old) who lived for a long time in Rome. There is a whole past that she is happy to ‘re-read’, always looking towards the future, the earthly and that of eternal life.
Very fraternally in the Lord, we pray for you.
Sister Mary Josephine of Saint Teresa, OCD (On behalf of the Mother Prioress)
The home for HIV positive children run by the Carmelite Sisters of Ujjain, India
We founded a home for HIV/AIDS positive children
Ujjain, Madhya Pradesh, 20 November 2011
Dear Director Giulio Andreotti,
Merry Christmas!
How are you? I hope well. I am Sister Rose Thomas Koolipurackal, a Carmelite nun.
I want to thank you wholeheartedly for 30Giorni. With this magazine I get a lot of religious news and articles. It is truly a gift. My address has changed, I was transferred from Bhopal to Ujjain. If possible, please send the magazine to the new address.
I served as a nurse for twenty-two years at the Casilino Hospital of Rome and at San Giovanni Hospital for three years. In 2006 I returned to India permanently. Here in the diocese of Ujjain we have founded a home for HIV/AIDS positive children. I am in charge and work with two other nuns. The children are all orphans, their parents have died of AIDS; now there are thirteen of them: eight boys and five girls, housed in another institute. Space is tight, so a new house that will accommodate forty children (twenty boys and twenty girls) is being built. The construction, however, is still at the half-way stage because we ran out of money. The Indian government does not help, and actually increases the prices. To finish the work costs the equivalent of thirty-five thousand euros. In addition, the children we host are aged from three to fourteen years and to go to school they have to walk three kilometers, and so a small van worth about eight thousand euros would also be needed.
When I returned from Rome, my desire was to work with the poor and abandoned. The Lord has entrusted me with this apostolate. Our mission here in India is to do something for poor people, and for these children abandoned by society. If you help us with whatever sum of money, the reward will come from the Lord Jesus: we can pray for you, your family and all your intentions. I humbly ask you to accept our requests.
Let me know what we should do and if you need the Bishop’s letter.
The Lord bless you. In union of prayer,
Sister Rose Thomas Koolipurackal
Let me ask you again for the little booklet Chi prega si salva in English, greatly requested and desired especially by the sick
Gulu, 21 November 2011
Dear Senator Giulio Andreotti,
The upcoming Christmas time that is rapidly approaching inspires me to anticipate my very best wishes to you and your editorial staff. We hope that the peace of Christ, the Prince of peace, will extend everywhere, in our hearts, in families and in all nations of the world. I take this opportunity to express my sincere gratitude and due thanks for the wonderful magazine 30Giorni, which I regularly receive in Italian and English, thanks to your great generosity, also most welcome by the sisters of the community.
I humbly allow myself to ask again for the booklet Chi prega si salva in English, greatly requested and desired especially by the sick in our hospital, convinced that with this booklet, both in hospital and on their return to the family, they can learn more about Christ present in order to address Him as the Church teaches.
Thanks in advance and count on our, and my, poor prayer! I renew my sincere and due thanks to you and your collaborators, and the wish that Jesus Savior bless you and accompany you throughout the new year 2012 and always.
In Christ,
Sister Romilde Spinato and sisters